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预约后 3 小时内不允许取消或更改。如果您无法预约,请在预约前 24 小时通知我们,最好让其他患者使用您的空位。

24 小时内取消预订将产生 50% 的取消费用。在预约后 3 小时内取消或缺席将产生 100% 的取消费用(预约的全部费用)。

While we allow you to choose the doctor you wish to see for your medical consultation, we reserve the right to assign a different doctor to see you if the doctor chosen is unavailable for any reason, including illness or if they are dealing with a complicated case, procedure, or emergency. We try to avoid doing this if possible, however sometimes this is necessary, and will save you time waiting for the original doctor to be available. You will be advised at the time of the consultation with regards to this.

Thank you for your understanding.


Corporate Enquiry


预约后 3 小时内不允许取消或更改。如果您无法预约,请在预约前 24 小时通知我们,最好让其他患者使用您的空位。

24 小时内取消预订将产生 50% 的取消费用。在预约后 3 小时内取消或缺席将产生 100% 的取消费用(预约的全部费用)。

While we allow you to choose the doctor you wish to see for your medical consultation, we reserve the right to assign a different doctor to see you if the doctor chosen is unavailable for any reason, including illness or if they are dealing with a complicated case, procedure, or emergency. We try to avoid doing this if possible, however sometimes this is necessary, and will save you time waiting for the original doctor to be available. You will be advised at the time of the consultation with regards to this.

Thank you for your understanding.

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The doctors in our urgent care clinic are all skilled and experienced in dealing with all types of urgent medical care, "everything and anything" that comes in through the door.

皮肤填充剂 是注射在皮肤下的透明质酸凝胶,可恢复皮肤丰盈度并提拉松弛的皮肤,改善皱纹和面部细纹的出现,为皮肤补水,打造更饱满的嘴唇,纠正面部特征的不对称性,并改善脸部形状。




  • 鼻唇沟-软化沉重的褶皱
  • 口腔周围区域-治疗皱纹,包括吸烟者的细纹
  • 嘴唇-用于保湿或让嘴唇更饱满
  • 下巴线条-锐化、抚平下巴或阳刚化
  • 下巴-增加投射力或男性化
  • 寺庙-用于挖空


我们有Belotero® 和Restylane® 填充剂——这些产品在新西兰和国际上都享有很高的声誉。


我们的收费是按每毫升(或注射器)产品收费,每毫升 850 美元。




对于某些更敏感的区域,例如唇部,可以在治疗前 30 分钟使用局部麻醉霜。如果需要,也可以进行牙科阻滞。



整个过程大约需要一小时,具体取决于治疗区域的数量;如果需要麻醉霜,则再等待 30 分钟。



效果将持续 6-18 个月,具体取决于治疗类型、区域和所用产品。




  • 肿胀、发红、压痛-这种情况会在 24 小时内消失
  • 淤青-可能在 24 小时内或之后出现,尤其是在唇部护理中
  • 本周晚些时候出现间歇性瘙痒或肿胀加剧
  • 唇疱疹-可能会触发,请及时告知您是否容易患上唇疱疹,以便我们可以提供预防性药物


  • 坚硬而疼痛的结节-可以用透明质酶溶解


  • 对产品过敏-可能在几个月或几年后发生
  • 神经损伤-导致疼痛/感觉改变
  • 感染-罕见,可能需要溶解抗生素和填充剂
  • 血管闭塞-填充剂进入动脉的风险很小。这可能会导致
  • > 皮肤损伤、疤痕(立即出现或在治疗后 1-24 小时内显现出来)
  • > 失明或中风(可以是永久性/部分恢复)
  • > 如果得到适当和及时的管理,这些疾病是可以治疗的,但个体康复会因情况而异。


  • 治疗区域/周围疼痛、肿胀、发红严重或加重
  • 肤色变化或非典型淤青

在接受治疗 72 小时后,不要计划任何出城旅行。



  • 你可以像往常一样轻柔地洗脸
  • 轻轻拍涂抹护肤品。
  • 在一天余下的时间里不用化妆,你可以在 24 小时后使用遮瑕膏来掩盖任何瘀伤。
  • 治疗肿胀-你可以使用冷敷剂和抗组胺药(手术后给药)
  • 治疗瘀伤-使用山金车或 Hirudoid 面霜


  • 避免剧烈运动、饮酒、游泳、桑拿、温泉
  • 72 小时内没有国际航班(最好避免出城旅行)
  • 2 周内不进行面部护理或面部按摩/按压
  • 4 周内不做牙科手术


预约后 3 小时内不允许取消或更改。如果您无法预约,请在预约前 24 小时通知我们,最好让其他患者使用您的空位。

24 小时内取消预订将产生 50% 的取消费用。在预约后 3 小时内取消或缺席将产生 100% 的取消费用(预约的全部费用)。

While we allow you to choose the doctor you wish to see for your medical consultation, we reserve the right to assign a different doctor to see you if the doctor chosen is unavailable for any reason, including illness or if they are dealing with a complicated case, procedure, or emergency. We try to avoid doing this if possible, however sometimes this is necessary, and will save you time waiting for the original doctor to be available. You will be advised at the time of the consultation with regards to this.

Thank you for your understanding.


BELOTERO® is a Class III medical device to smooth facial wrinkles and folds, correct facial atrophic scars, restore of enhance the lips or restore facial volume. Belotero® has risk and benefits. Ask your specialist if Belotero® is right for you. Contains transparent cross-linked sodium hyaluronate gel of non-animal origin with lidocaine 0.3% to reduce local pain. Do not use if you have a skin inflammation or a skin infection or until the infection is healed. Precautions. There is a risk of infection. Tell your doctor if you are on blood-clotting medicines as there could be an increased risk of bruising or bleeding at the injection site. Possible side effects: swelling, bruising, redness hardening of the skin, pain, altered colour or itching. Lasts 6-12 months. You will need to pay for this product and doctor’s fees apply. Merz, Sydney. Distributed by Healthcare Logistics, Auckland

RESTYLANE® is a gel containing hyaluronic acid and lidocaine that is injected by a healthcare professional into or below the skin to smooth facial wrinkles and enhance lips by restoring volume and fullness. Restylane® is a Class III medical device has risks and benefits. Restylane® treatment may result in some redness, swelling, pain or tenderness, itching and/or bruising which may last a few days. Inflammatory reactions can begin up to two to four weeks after treatment in rare cases. See your healthcare professional if any side effects concern you. Exposure to excessive sunlight or extreme cold should be avoided until redness or swelling has resolved. Restylane® should not be used in an area where there is a non-resorbable implant or in irritated or infected skin, Restylane® should not be used in people taking blood thinning medicines or who have an allergy to hyaluronic acid, lidocaine or other local anaesthetics. Caution if you take medicines that prolong bleeding time. Treatment lasts 12-24 months. Restylane® has not been tested in pregnant or breast-feeding women. ALWAYS FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS YOU ARE GIVEN. Galderma, Auckland. Distributed by Healthcare Logistics, Auckland.

RESTYLANE® SKINBOOSTERS is a gel containing hyaluronic acid that is injected into or below the skin to improve skin structure, hydration and elasticity. Restylane® Skinboosters is a medical device class III that has risks and benefits. Do not use in patients with bleeding disorders, or in patients taking blood thinning medicines. Do not inject intravascularly, where there is active disease, inflammation, infection, or tumours near the intended treatment site. Possible side effects are injection site effects like swelling, bruising, and tenderness and inflammation. Treatment usually lasts 6-12 months. Product and treatment costs will apply. Consult your cosmetic practitioner for further information. Further product details can also be found in the full product information. Galderma, Auckland.

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Post-Treatment Care

Some swelling or irritation may occur in the treatment area(s) for 1-2 days after your procedure but these side-effects should subside quickly. In the first 1-2 days after treatment:

  • Avoid using makeup sponges, moisturizers, or active products containing AHA (Alpha Hydroxy Acids/Glycolics), BHA (Beta Hydroxy Acids), or retinoid creams/gels.
  • Use cool compresses on treated areas to help with swelling or bruising.
  • Refrain from consuming alcohol, as it dilates blood vessels and may worsen bruising or swelling.
  • Avoid strenuous physical activity and exposure to heat, which may increase the chance of bruising.
  • Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout the day (about 8 glasses are recommended).
  • Avoid taking Omega supplements (such as salmon oil or flaxseed oil) for 5 days.

After 2 days:

  • Avoid facials, facial waxing, Glycolic or AHA peels, Liquid Nitrogen (dry ice), or laser treatments for 10-14 days post-treatment. For laser resurfacing treatments, it’s best to wait until dermal fillers have fully dissolved from the skin.

BELOTERO® is a Class III medical device to smooth facial wrinkles and folds, correct facial atrophic scars, restore of enhance the lips or restore facial volume. Belotero® has risk and benefits. Ask your specialist if Belotero® is right for you. Contains transparent cross-linked sodium hyaluronate gel of non-animal origin with lidocaine 0.3% to reduce local pain. Do not use if you have a skin inflammation or a skin infection or until the infection is healed. Precautions. There is a risk of infection. Tell your doctor if you are on blood-clotting medicines as there could be an increased risk of bruising or bleeding at the injection site. Possible side effects: swelling, bruising, redness hardening of the skin, pain, altered colour or itching. Lasts 6-12 months. You will need to pay for this product and doctor’s fees apply. Merz, Sydney. Distributed by Healthcare Logistics, Auckland

RESTYLANE® is a gel containing hyaluronic acid and lidocaine that is injected by a healthcare professional into or below the skin to smooth facial wrinkles and enhance lips by restoring volume and fullness. Restylane® is a Class III medical device has risks and benefits. Restylane® treatment may result in some redness, swelling, pain or tenderness, itching and/or bruising which may last a few days. Inflammatory reactions can begin up to two to four weeks after treatment in rare cases. See your healthcare professional if any side effects concern you. Exposure to excessive sunlight or extreme cold should be avoided until redness or swelling has resolved. Restylane® should not be used in an area where there is a non-resorbable implant or in irritated or infected skin, Restylane® should not be used in people taking blood thinning medicines or who have an allergy to hyaluronic acid, lidocaine or other local anaesthetics. Caution if you take medicines that prolong bleeding time. Treatment lasts 12-24 months. Restylane® has not been tested in pregnant or breast-feeding women. ALWAYS FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS YOU ARE GIVEN. Galderma, Auckland. Distributed by Healthcare Logistics, Auckland.

RESTYLANE® SKINBOOSTERS is a gel containing hyaluronic acid that is injected into or below the skin to improve skin structure, hydration and elasticity. Restylane® Skinboosters is a medical device class III that has risks and benefits. Do not use in patients with bleeding disorders, or in patients taking blood thinning medicines. Do not inject intravascularly, where there is active disease, inflammation, infection, or tumours near the intended treatment site. Possible side effects are injection site effects like swelling, bruising, and tenderness and inflammation. Treatment usually lasts 6-12 months. Product and treatment costs will apply. Consult your cosmetic practitioner for further information. Further product details can also be found in the full product information. Galderma, Auckland.

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  • 一般医疗状况
  • 年度健康检查
  • 女性健康
  • 性健康和性传播感染检查
  • 事故和紧急护理服务
  • COVID-19 聚合酶链反应和大鼠测试
  • 铁输液
  • 司机和就业医疗