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Our Cancellation Policy

No cancellations or changes allowed within 3 hours of the appointment. If you cannot make your appointment, kindly notify us 24 hours before your appointment, ideally to allow your slot to be utilised by another patient.

Cancellations within 24 hours will incur a 50% cancellation fee. Cancellations within 3 hours of your appointment, or non-attendance will incur a 100% cancellation fee ( the full cost of the appointment ).

Radiofrequency Surgitron Treatment

Our Cancellation Policy

No cancellations or changes allowed within 3 hours of the appointment. If you cannot make your appointment, kindly notify us 24 hours before your appointment, ideally to allow your slot to be utilised by another patient.

Cancellations within 24 hours will incur a 50% cancellation fee. Cancellations within 3 hours of your appointment, or non-attendance will incur a 100% cancellation fee ( the full cost of the appointment ).

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Radiofrequency Surgitron Treatment

Radiofrequency Surgitron treatment, also known as “sutureless surgery”, is a fantastic non-surgical option for the removal of raised skin lesions such as moles, skin tags, warts, seborrheic keratosis, and other benign skin lesions.

The device uses high frequency radio waves to precisely target and shave off lesions, and effectively seals the base of the wound, resulting in a raw but non-bleeding surface at the base of the original lesion. This layer is superficial and therefore heals very quickly, forming a scab which falls off after 7-10 days later, revealing a layer of fresh, healthy skin that will return to the surrounding skin color with time.

Minimal aftercare or downtime is required, especially for smaller lesions, which can be expected to heal quickly. There is minimal pain and low risks of scarring as the lesion is removed at a superficial level.

How is Surgitron different from traditional surgery?

Surgitron uses radiofrequency waves to glide through lesions, and the heat generated ablates the cells in the lesion. This is done in a very precise fashion that minimises damage to the surrounding skin. The wound is sealed at the end of the procedure, and requires a simple skin-coloured tape dressing.

In comparison, traditional mole removal surgery involves cutting into the skin with a surgical blade to excise the lesion, followed by internal +/- external stitches that require removal.

What areas and lesions can be treated?

Virtually any area can be treated including:

  • Face, including difficult areas such as ears and eyelids
  • Neck, armpits, breasts - skin tags are often found in these areas
  • Scalp - fleshy benign skin lesions
  • Back - seborrhoeic keratosis, sun spots, benign lesions
  • Hands, feet, knees, elbows, fingers - verruca or warts arms, armpit areas

Please note - moles that are flat cannot be treated with Surgitron. If the mole is thought to extend to deeper layers of the skin, another treatment option may be more suitable.

If there is any suspicion of precancerous or cancerous changes in the mole during the assessment, a surgical excisional biopsy will be more appropriate.

What is involved?

The doctor will perform a consultation and assessment of the lesion to ensure that it is not a cancerous or suspicious lesion. He/she will then recommend the best treatment option. This may include liquid nitrogen, punch biopsy or surgical excision.

If there are multiple lesions that you would like removed in the same session, a package price will be quoted at the time.

Local anesthetic is injected under the lesion using very fine needles to numb the area.

The Surgitron is used to remove the lesion, and a simple skin coloured dressing applied after.

You will be given a take home pack with instructions on how to care for the wound site.

There is virtually no pain or downtime and you may continue with your day as usual. We may advise restricting heavy or targeted physical activity depending on the number, size and location of the wounds.

The entire process should take 45 min for 1-3 lesions.

How much does it cost?

Surgitron removal is $550 per lesion, $100 per additional lesion. A package price can be quoted at the time if you have several lesions that need removing during tthe same session.

What are the potential side effects?

Side effects area are uncommon but include;

  • Allergy to the local anaesthetic or dressing used
  • Mild bleeding from the wound
  • Infection (rare, as the device is self sterilising & seals the wound as it removes the lesion)
  • Thickened raised scar formation (may occur in people with a history of keloid scarring)
  • Hyper pigmentation (if the wound is exposed to Sun for long periods of time without adequate protection post procedure)


  • If the lesion is found to be deep, the doctor may advise that it is best to convert to a surgical procedure to minimise the chance of unsightly scarring.
  • Recurrence - there is a small chance of recurrence, particularly with moles that are found to extend into deeper levels of the skin. This will be discussed at the time of treatment.

How do I care for the wound after Surgitron treatment?

This depends on the size and location of the lesion(s).

If no dressings are needed, you can shower or clean the area as per usual (avoid very hot water) and a moisturizing balm is applied (you will be provided with this in your take home pack)

If a dressing is placed, we recommend leaving this on for as long as possible, and applying a moisturizing balm over the dressing to avoid any crusting or drying out of the wound.

Once the scab falls off, you may perform daily massage with an anti-scarring cream (please enquire during treatment or can be purchased from local pharmacy) or Bio oil/rosehip oil to help minimize the appearance of any potential scarring.

Avoid prolonged exposure to the sun in the first 3 months to avoid hyper-pigmentation, and use sun protection religiously over the area.


Our Cancellation Policy

No cancellations or changes allowed within 3 hours of the appointment. If you cannot make your appointment, kindly notify us 24 hours before your appointment, ideally to allow your slot to be utilised by another patient.

Cancellations within 24 hours will incur a 50% cancellation fee. Cancellations within 3 hours of your appointment, or non-attendance will incur a 100% cancellation fee ( the full cost of the appointment ).

New Zealand Society of Cosmetic Medicine
Southern Cross Easy-Claim
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Radiofrequency Surgitron Treatment

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Radiofrequency Surgitron Treatment